About Us
Thank you for stopping by our site, and welcome! As parents of three wonderful children, Jude, Logan, and Iris, we understand the rollercoaster that is parenthood, as well as the unique journey of raising children with disabilities. Our twin girls, Logan and Iris, have a variant of the SPTAN1 gene mutation, and as we searched for understanding, resources, treatment options, or anything related to this condition, we noticed a disconnect in the SPTAN1 community. Being a fairly newly discovered mutation, not only was information limited, but it was inconsistent and challenging to find. We created this site to connect families like ours to each other, but also to these resources. Additionally, this website is ongoing and evolving, so if you ever feel something should be updated, or if you have suggestions to help us improve this site, we welcome that feedback! Together, we aim to support each other and look forward to establishing a foundation in the future to further our mission.
Trisha and Chris Lockard